Wednesday 21 March 2012

Mourning the promises of my childhood...

I grew up in the late 80s-early 90s and, as most childhoods seem to be (if you're lucky), it was magical. I had muggy Toronto summers, sneezy Vancouver springs, mosquito bites, grass stains, fresh blueberries, snowmen, and halloween fun-houses. I lived in the back-story of Home Alone. My favourite saturday morning cartoon was Captain Planet, and this is where this blog begins.

Captain Planet, an entire cartoon dedicated to saving the planet and being environmentally friendly; then, Inspector Gadget, a cartoon about being resourceful; X-Men, a cartoon about using your abilities to the fullest...and then we move on to my musical idols: Michael Jackson, singing about 'making a change' and looking at the 'man in the mirror', Whitney Houston singing about being 'every woman'. It is here that I question: I grew up with optimism, visions for a healthy and whole future, where is that world? Where is that world full of empathy and compassion? What happened to us? When did 'The Lion King' stop making us cry? When did 'the circle of life' stop making sense?

Forgive me my deeply sentimental post today, but didn't we care about this stuff when we were too young to do anything, and now that we're old enough, why don't we care?


  1. Well said. Really well said.

    By the way, seeing the Lion King in 3D recently, it made me cry again :)

  2. Thanks Zahida! I haven't seen it in 3D yet, but I watched part of it with my nephew recently and watching his face light up made it all come back!
